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On-line Discussion on Chemical Peels

Join the discussion for this topic on this Blog, or on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Chemical Peels

How many sessions of chemical peeling are required generally ?

It depends on how deep or how much of blemishes or acne you have. You can get a series of 6 light chemical peels 7 to 8 days apart. After the series you should let your skin recover for 3 months.

 Apply a good sunscreen lotion SPF30 everyday to protect your skin. For more information, please read this article on Chemical Peels.

Acne Prevention Tips

Here are tips that may help control acne.

  • Don't over wash or use harsh scrubs. Remember, acne is not caused by dirt. Two gentle washings a day is sufficient. Too much cleaning can leave skin irritated and dry, triggering glands to produce more oil, increasing the likelihood of pimples.
  • Use oil-free or non-comedogenic products (those that won't clog pores) on your face.
  • Don't squeeze or pick blemishes. Popping pimples can drive acne bacteria deeper into the skin. Picking can lead to more inflammation and permanent scarring.

There are several Acne Treatment products sold over the counter, most of them have Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide as the active ingredient, choose products that works for your skin, it may take 2 or 3 weeks before you see any improvement. Use products with Benzoyl Peroxide only in the evenings as it makes your skin sensitive to sunlight.

Make sure you keep your skin moisturized and wear SUNSCREEN everyday. Cleanse your face every morning and use a moisturizer with a sunscreen. Twice a week exfoliate your face with a face brush and your regular cleanser. Cleanse your face in the evening before going to bed and use a moisturizer so that your skin does not produce excess oil.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Acne, Pimples prevention and treatment.

Home Remedies for Blemishes

Natural home remedies are really good for your skin, unfortunately it takes a longer time to see the results.

The reason for this is that the molecules of the natural foods used in home remedy are large so it is difficult for them to penetrate the skin compared to professional blemish treatment products.

Here are two home made mask recipe options you could try:

Yogurt Mask:

Plain Yogurt (Curd/Dahi) 2 tbp,
Honey 1 tsp
Whole oats/oatmeal (Porridge/Dalia) 1 tbp

Mix the above and apply on your face as a mask for 15 minutes, take a little warm water and wash your face using the oatmeal as a mild scrub. Do this once or twice a week.

The lactic acid in the yogurt is good for lightening blemishes and the honey works as an astringent as well as moisturizes the skin while the oatmeal has natural protein to promote skin growth.

Chickpea Mask:

Chickpea (gram) flour 2 tbs
Honey 1 tsp
Lemon/lime juice 1 tsp
Turmeric powder (haldi) a pinch

Mix the above with warm water and apply on your face as a mask once or twice a week for 15 minutes.

We suggest choosing one mask from above and try it for 4 to 6 weeks and then switch to the other.

Ensure you're not allergic to these ingredients and if not sure do a spot test for at least a day before applying a full facial mask.

Scars are harder to treat with home remedies.

Microdermabrasion treatment may help with reducing the scars. There are a number of products that can help for very light scars, however most scars require professional attention.

See a Dermatologist or licensed Aesthetician in a Medical spa who will analyze your skin condition and recommend a treatment suitable for your skin type.

Once again wear Sunscreen everyday as the Sun darkens the blemishes making it more difficult for you to treat them later.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on how to conceal blemishes.

Home Remedy for Dark Circles

Take used and chilled tea bags or cucumber and apply on the closed eyes to temporarily reduce dilated and discolored blood vessels.

Every evening before going to bed apply plain yogurt under the eye for 10 minutes and then wipe it off with a soft wet cloth. The lactic acid in yogurt helps to lighten the pigmentation.

When removing your eye make-up, make sure you use a soft cloth or cotton pads, do not pull or scrub the skin around the eyes as it is very delicate and any rough treatment will traumatize the skin which in turn will produce more pigmentation.

Get extra sleep and eat lots of berries, bright colored fruits and vegetables (as they have antioxidants) and drink plenty of water as dehydration is another cause of dark circles.

Wear sunscreen and sunglasses everytime you go out in the sun.

There are lots of under eye creams in the market that might reduce the dark circles. Some studies show that creams containing Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and retinol may be effective in treating under eye circles.

Make-up is another way to conceal dark circles, try mineral make-up as most mineral make-up have light reflecting minerals which help by reflecting the light off the skin and so hide the dark circles.

How to reduce a Sun Tan

It is hard to get rid of a Sun-tan, it will fade naturally after a few weeks and patience is usually the best course of action.

Exfoliate your legs and hands with a soft dry brush or a dry towel before you shower, this removes the dead skin on the surface.

Stay out of the sun between 10:00am to 4:00pm when the sun is stronger, if you have to go out, wear sunscreen on all exposed body parts and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face.

Don't forget to apply sunscreen on the back of your hands.

Make sure the sunscreen you use is oil free and protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.

Darkness under Arms

Darkness under the arms is normally caused by shaving, or depilatory creams and is especially common in African and Ethnic skin types or it may be caused by hormones. Darkness on the neck can be caused by friction, e.g. if you wear a necklace all the time or again by hormones.

You can try these home remedies at home: Slice a lemon, sprinkle sugar on it and rub on the dark areas, do this daily to notice a difference. Apply plain yogurt (curd) to the darkened area and leave it on for 10 minutes before gently washing it off.

Papaya is another good home remedy, mash it and apply it on the affected area and leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off. Remember it takes a while before you will see any results from using home remedy. If you shave or use depilatory creams on your underarms, try Waxing Treatment instead.

If the problem persists use lightening creams that contain Kojic acid, or hydroquinone. Your doctor will be able to recommend something.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are caused by rapid stretching of the skin, e.g. growth spurt during puberty, weight gain, pregnancy or muscle building. Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, the most common areas are the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, thighs and hips.

While there is much debate on their effectiveness, Creams and lotion containing Cocoa butter may help reduce stretch marks. Vitamin E oil may also help reduce the marks. Use it daily for a couple of weeks to see whether this will help you to avoid more expensive procedures. Stretch marks normally fade over time. Eating a healthy diet of Fresh fruit and vegetables daily will help build collagen and strengthen skin elasticity.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a Video on the topic of Stretch Mark treatments.

Puffy Eyes or Bags under the Eyes

Do you wake up every morning with puffy eyes? Do the bags reduce and disappear as the day goes by? If your answer is yes, then you have temporary fluid build up under the eyes.

You can help reduce the puffiness by applying a cold compress or use a bag of frozen vegetables or chilled used tea bags on your closed eyes, this will reduce the puffiness.

Use an extra pillow at night when you sleep, this may help drain some of the fluid, therefore make the eyes look less puffy in the morning. Reduce your intake of salty food as it causes water retention and thus makes the problem worse.

For people who have permanent bags under their eyes, there is a certain amount of fat naturally in the under the eye area, as you age the ligaments get weaker allowing the fat to push forward, forming that little puffy pillow under your eyes. A permanent solution for this is surgical eyelift.

Some tricks with make-up can help conceal the bags under the eyes; use a concealer that is one or two shades darker than your foundation on the puffy area to reduce the appearance of volume, apply a lighter concealer on the crease below the puff.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on managing Puffy Eyes.

Sugaring Hair Removal

Sugaring is an ancient method of hair removal, the sugaring solution is made of sugar, lemon juice and water, this is heated to form a syrup which is molded into a ball and stretched and then applied onto the skin and then quickly stripped away.

This method is very popular in Middle Eastern countries and is a good alternative for those who have sensitive skin or who react to waxes with bumps and redness.

Melasma (Pigmentation)

Melasma is common, especially in women of Asian origin. It appears on the upper lip, nose and chin area and sometimes on the forehead and cheeks. Melasma may be caused by genetics, some medications, oral contraception, pregnancy and nutritional deficiency.

Sunscreen is very important so make sure you wear it everyday. The sunscreen should protect you from both UVA/UVB rays. The Sun darkens the pigmentation.

To lighten the pigmentation look for creams that have AHAs, Kojic acid, Vitamin A, C & E or similar skin lightening ingredients. A good dermatologist (skin specialist) will be able to prescribe the correct medication.

Remedies for Oily Skin

Use a gentle cleanser every morning and apply oil free moisturizer or sunscreen SPF 15 or above. No matter what colour your skin is Sunscreen is really important. In warm climates when you sweat more and need to wash your face often, use plain water. Reapply the sunscreen before you go out in the sun.

Every evening before you go to bed, cleanse your face again with a gentle cleanser and apply an oil free moisturizer. Try using moisturizers containing AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) as this helps with production of collagen and helps the skin retain moisture.

Once a week apply a Clay Mask or Mud Mask on your face and whenever possible also have a professional Balancing Facial once a month to help accelerate results. Most experts believe that clay and mud masks can temporarily pull oil from the pores and shrinks the pores. There are also specific products for Oily Skin treatment.

If all the above symptoms still persists, go see a dermatologist or your doctor who will be able to prescribe topical creams that can help by reducing the amount of oil on the skin surface.

Hair Loss

Hair loss in women is often caused by stress and diet. There can be other complications caused by health issues and medical treatments which is best looked into by medical consultation.

For non-medical situations here is a home remedy: apply warm olive oil on your scalp and massage your scalp for good 5 minutes, take a towel and wet it with warm water and wrap it around your head. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. Eat a healthy diet, low fat foods, lots of vegetables and fruit and drink plenty of water every day.

If the hairloss is significant, go see your doctor. They will run some tests to see if you have any medical issues. For non-medical situations there are a number of hair loss products also available in the market.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Hair Loss treatment options.

Shaving and Depilatory Creams Hair Removal

These techniques fall into the category of depilation, which is a process of removing hair near the level of the skin, by shaving or using chemical creams that dissolve the hair on the skin surface.

Shaving is an abrasive method of hair removal that can irritate the skin. Regular shaving on certain areas of the body e.g. underarms, bikini or even the face causes the skin to darken this is especially true for Asian skin. Ingrown hair is also a problem with shaving. Contrary to popular belief, shaving does not cause hair to grow back thicker. It only seems that way because the razor blunts the hair ends and makes them feel coarse and stiff.

Shaving is faster and convenient way of hair removal and you don’t have to wait for it to grow a certain length before removing it.

If your underarms have darkened due to shaving, you can try the following home remedy: slice a lemon and sprinkle it with sugar and rub this on the darkened area twice a week and over time this will lighten the pigmentation. Try Underarms Waxing instead or consider getting Laser Hair Removal.

Chemical depilatory creams can sometimes irritate the skin and again cause the skin to darken especially in Asian people.

Dry Hair

For dry hair, use Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner. Do not use soap. Always use a Conditioner after Shampooing your hair, this helps detangle the hair and keeps it hydrated. While your hair is damp apply a Leave in Conditioner. Reduce the use of hot styling implements. Dove, Neutrogena, Loreal etc. are some examples of the good brands. You have to try different brands to see which suits your hair. Use the same brand for at least 4 weeks before you decide.

For some home remedies: Apply mayonaise on the hair and leave it in for 5 mins. Wash it off with warm water, shampoo and conditioner.

Warm some coconut or olive oil and massage this on your scalp and hair, leave it in for at least 10 minutes before you wash your hair.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on managing Dry Hair.


Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects most teenagers and adults. It is white, oily flakes of dead skin that causes itchy scalp. Dandruff can be caused by dry skin, especially during cold weather, oily skin, eczema, fungus (malassezia) and sensitivity to hair products.

Mild dandruff can be controlled by washing your hair daily with a gentle shampoo to reduce oiliness and dead skin build up. You can use dandruff shampoos that has Zinc pyrithione which is an antibacterial and antifungal agent e.g. Head & Shoulders shampoo. You can also use shampoos like Neutrogena T/Gel, Nizoral, Selsun Blue, Tea Tree oil Shampoo etc. Use these shampoos daily until the dandruff is under control and then you can reduce it to two or three times a week. If one brand does not work switch to the other brand.

Eating a healthy diet rich in Zinc and B vitamins may also help prevent dandruff.


Cellulite is the dimpled appearance of the skin, which looks like an orange peel. It is caused by fat deposits that are just below the skin surface. The most common places you get cellulite are upper thighs, thighs, abdomen and upper arms, and it usually occurs after puberty. Cellulite affects both thin and over-weight people, it is very common in women.

Most experts believe that cellulite is caused by hormones, genetics, diet and lifestyle. There is no miracle cure for cellulite, there are lots of expensive treatments in the market which work temporarily e.g. Liposuction, Mesotherapy, Radio therapy etc. There are lots of products out there that claim to help reduce cellulite.

Eating a healthy diet of low fat foods, lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight and muscle tone. Strength training exercise helps to build muscle that reduces the body fat deposits.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Cellulite treatments.

Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis is currently the only reliable permanent hair removal treatment. A very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle at the surface of the skin where a chemical or heat energy is passed through the needle to kill the hair follicle. The dead hair is then slid out with a tweezer.

Hair removal by Electrolysis takes a long time since the hair is removed one at a time, so you will need to go for several treatments depending on the area. Each treatment lasts between 15 minutes to 45 minutes. This treatment can be painful for some, a topical anesthetic may be used. A cold compress also helps.

It is very important that you go to an experienced and licensed electrologist. Talk to people who have gone through this treatment and ask them to recommend a good electrologist.

Oily Hair

People who have oily and acne skin usually have oily hair. The texture of your hair can also be the cause of oily hair, people with fine and straight hair tend to have oily scalp. The reason for this is that at the base of each hair shaft on our scalp are oil glands that produce oil to keep the hair healthy. People with finer hair have more hair shafts and so more oil glands. Heat and humidity can make the problem worse, so can hormonal changes for example stress can activate the oil glands.

Wash your hair daily with a clarifying shampoo and make sure you massage your scalp with the shampoo to remove excess oil. Do not use a conditioner on your hair as this makes the problem worse. If you have to use the conditioner then apply it on the ends of the hair only, avoid putting it on or near the scalp. Do not over brush or comb your hair near the scalp as this process stimulates the oil glands. If you have to use styling products apply it on the ends only.

For a home remedy: Try one lemon squeezed in one cup of water or 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup water, apply this mixture with a cotton ball on your scalp and leave it on for few minutes and then wash it off with a clarifying shampoo.

What is Back Acne ?

Although Acne (also known as Pimples) is often associated with the face, the back of our bodies is also afflicted by this condition and is more prevalent in men than women, although women do suffer as well. Back acne is also often referred to as 'Bacne' for short.

The main cause of Bacne is clogged sweat glands aggravated by perspiration from activities that cause excessive sweating, e.g. running, gym workout, and garden work. To alleviate the condition, it is important to wash and cleanse the skin on the back as soon as possible.

Another reason for bacne is the accumulation of excess dead skin cells and to help manage this we recommend daily use of a mild exfoliate in the shower to help with its removal using a back scrubber with a mild cleanser to reach the difficult to reach areas of the back. As the case for facial acne, avoid using harsh abrasive cleaners to ensure the skin is not irritated or inflamed. On completion of a shower, blot dry the skin with a clean towel and then apply an acne treatment with anti-bacterial agents, such as Benzoyl Peroxide, to the shoulder and back areas.

In some cases you might have stubborn back acne related to hereditary issues which will require an oral antibiotic to treat. Typically bacne is more stubborn than facial acne and resists treatment however because the skin on the back is also tougher, bacne can be treated more aggressively. While mild cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can help treat milder outbreaks, great care should be taken with aggressive oral medications as these can lead to depression and should be avoided by those going through a stressful period. Opt instead for topical treatments if depression is an issue for you.

Since bacteria coupled with perspiration will aggravate bacne, you should always wear clean clothing when exercising. Especially put a clean towel between you and exercise machines/mats in a gym to avoid picking up additional germs. Avoid steam rooms/saunas right after a sweaty workout - take a shower beforehand to remove dirt/bacteria as the heat will increase sebum production which will harden and form a plug to clog your pores which in turn can be infected by the bacteria.

A monthly Acne Facial or a Back Facial treatment is recommended as a professional Aesthetician will have all the tools and equipment to help maintain a healthy skin. After the Acne is gone, to help reduce blemishes and scars we also recommend Back Microdermabrasion.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Back Acne treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is actually a permanent hair reduction as most people will need a touch-up treatment especially on large areas. The hair that grows back after having gone through a series of Laser treatment is normally finer and sparser. This method of hair reduction has become popular because of its speed and efficacy.

Laser hair reduction works by passing a light beam through the skin. The laser targets dark pigment, called melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle, the intense heat damages/destroys the hair follicle. Laser works best with dark coarse hair where light skin and dark hair are a perfect combination for a successful treatment. The newer lasers are now able to target dark hair even in patients with dark skin. Laser Hair Removal does not always work for white, blonde, light brown or light red hair.

This treatment is not painful but can be uncomfortable. A hand held laser instrument is pressed to your skin. The surface of the skin is kept cool with chilled gel or contact cooling through a window cooled by circulating water or cold air. The treatment last 10 minutes to an hour depending on the area you are getting laser treated. You will need a series of 6 to 8 treatments, four to six weeks apart.

It is very important that you go to a Licensed and Certified Professional who has knowledge and experience in Laser Hair Removal. This is a medical treatment and if not done properly can result in severe burns and scarring.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Laser Hair Removal.

Microdermabrasion Treatments

We have a range of Microdermabrasion Treatments for Facial, Chest, and Hands: Microdermabrasion Oxygen Facial as well as for Back Microdermabrasion

A Microdermabrasion Oxygen Facial can help to treat aging and sun-damaged skin, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles and some types of acne and acne scars. Because microdermabrasion removes dead surface skin cells and initiates cellular turnover, results may include improved skin tone, fewer breakouts, diminished appearance of scars, refined skin pores and a healthy glow.

The suction stimulation alone boosts blood circulation and revitalizes collagen production, which instigates the regrowth of new younger-looking skin. The oxygen helps to speed up collagen production and sooth the newly exfoliated skin for a great Anti-aging treatment: Microdermabrasion Oxygen Facial or Complete Microdermabrasion package.

The Back Microdermabrasion treatment is for people who have acne or acne scars or just for people who want to show off their smooth and glowing back.

This treatment includes an enzyme mask, clay mask and a soothing massage: Back Microdermabrasion

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Microdermabrasion procedures.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

If you suffer from Dry skin, try the following Home remedy options.

Mash an avocado, add 1 tsp of lemon juice, apply this to your face two times a week to help hydrate the skin. Remove the mask (after 15 mins) using warm water and pat dry.

Mash an avocado and add a 1 tsp of honey to it. Apply this mask on the face, leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with a gentle cleanser and water.  Do this three times a week to help hydrate the skin.

Whip some cream and apply to your face three times a week for 15 mins. Wash off with warm water and a gentle cream cleanser.

If all the above does not help Dry Skin symptoms, seek advice from your dermatologist or doctor in case of other complications.

Hair Removal Treatments

There are multiple options of Hair removal that range from temporary to permanent. These include shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, sugaring, threading, electrolysis, laser hair removal, etc.

We will cover each of these in the following postings.

What causes Dry Skin ?

Most cases of dry skin are often caused by environmental exposures. Weather is one example, in general your skin is driest when temperatures and humidity level is low or if you live in desert regions, where temperatures can be high but the humidity levels remain low.

Air Conditioners and Heaters at Home also reduce humidity and dry out your skin. Hot baths and showers or frequent swimming in chlorinated pools also contribute towards dry skin. Many popular soaps and detergents also strip lipids and moisture from your skin.

Sun exposure dries your skin and the UV rays penetrates deep into your skin and damages the collagen and elastin fibers which break down much more quickly than they should. This leads to sun damaged skin which also looks like dry skin.

Back Acne Treatment

We also have a professional Back Facial treatment that will help your skin recover faster from Back Acne. This is a relaxing body treatment that includes a natural sugar body scrub, exfoliating mask, extraction and a massage. The treatment is especially beneficial to those who suffer from back Acne. The products we use have all natural ingredients such as clay, algae and essential oils.: Back Acne Facial Treatment.

Why do we get Dark Circles under the Eyes ?

Dark circles under eyes affect both men and women and although dark under-eye circles often start in adulthood, young teens can develop them too.

Stress, Fatigue and lack of sleep aren't the main reasons for under eye circles. What appear to be under eye circles are sometimes just shadows under your eyes that develop as a normal part of aging, especially for people with deep set eyes.

Another major cause of dark circles is thinning skin, loss of fat and collagen under the eyes making the blood vessels more prominent. This is common as we age.

Some other causes for dark circles can be Allergies, Eczema, Nasal congestion, Hyperpigmentation (a concern for people with darker skin), Hormones, Heredity and some Medications.

Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis. Depending on what is causing the circles under your eyes, your doctor may recommend prescription creams or a combination of treatments to erase or reduce discoloration. Laser therapy or chemical peels can be helpful in some cases. Shadows can be smoothed with injectable fillers, and surgery can eliminate puffy eye lids.

Acne Facial Treatment

We also have a professional Acne Facial treatment that will boost your skin towards becoming acne free. Our Acne Facial includes deep cleansing, enzyme mask, steaming, extractions of blackheads, whiteheads and a hydrating mask to help with your Acne. The products we use have all natural ingredients such as clay, algae, trace minerals and essential oils.: Acne Facial Treatment

What Does Acne Look Like ?

Acne can appear as one of the following:

  • Whiteheads: White dots that are pores impacted with oil and skin covered by skin layers.
  • Blackheads: Black bumps that are impacted pores in which material pushes out through the follicles. The black color is not from dirt. It may be from bacteria and matter that react with oxygen.
  • Papules, Pustules or Nodules: More serious lesions appearing red and swollen due to inflammation or infection of the tissue around the clogged follicles, which are often painful and feel hard.
  • Cysts: Deep, painful, pus-filled lesions that can cause scarring.

Why Do Some People Get Acne and Others Don't ?

It is not clear why some people are more prone to acne than others. The exact cause of acne is not known, but one important factor is an increase in male sex hormones called androgens. Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands (oil glands) to get larger and produce more sebum. Androgens also can increase because of hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills.

Another factor in the cause of acne is genetics. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. In addition, some drugs (for example, anti-epilepsy medication, prednisone, androgens and lithium) are known to cause acne. Cosmetics that have a greasy consistency may change the cells of the follicles, causing them to stick together and resulting in a plugged pore.

Things that can make acne worse include:

  • Friction caused by leaning on or rubbing the skin; harsh scrubbing
  • Picking or squeezing blemishes
  • Pressure from bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars
  • Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before the start of the menstrual period
  • Stress

Other factors that were previously thought to make acne worse do not seem to have an effect on the development of acne. These factors include chocolate, greasy foods, and dirty skin.

Milia (Whiteheads)

Milia are whiteheads, that appear on the face especially around the eyes, cheeks and nose area. This happens when sebum and dead skin cells become trapped under the skin and so appear as Whiteheads.

Exfoliate your face twice a week with a soft brush and your cleanser. Look for cleansers with glycolic acid or salicylic acid and use this twice a day to wash your face. Use a moisturizer that has AHA or Vitamin A, C and E. Make sure you also wear sunscreen SPF 20 or more as whiteheads get worse with sunlight.

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On-line Discussion on Acne

Join the discussion for this topic on this blog, or on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Acne

I have Oily Skin, Pimples and some pigmentation near my lips areas. Can you please suggest how I can improve my Skin ?

Please review the Acne Pimples articles and also try one of the Home Remedies masks for lightening pigmentation and reducing acne. For significant pigmentation or acne that doesn't improve within a few weeks, we recommend you get advice from a dermatologist who can prescribe topical creams.

I'm suffering from Whiteheads. What should I do to cure this condition ?

Please review the Whiteheads articles and we suggest that once a month you go to a qualified Esthetician for a deep cleansing facial treatment which includes extractions.

Why does Acne affect some Adults as well as Teenagers ?

Acne results from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands, so it affects both Adults and Teenagers.

Can Facials reduce Acne occurrence ?

Regular facials that include steam and extractions may help reduce Acne. Some products may sometimes irritate the skin after a facial be sure to tell the esthetician/beautician if that happens so they can use different products instead.

I have much Acne and Blackheads on my face. What can I do to prevent them ?

Exfoliate your face twice a week with a cleanser that contains microbeads or a soft face brush, this removes the dead skin from the face and helps clear the pores.

Can Benzoyl Peroxide help reduce Acne ?

Benzoyl peroxide helps dry out the acne, use it in the evenings and stop using it after a couple of months to help your skin recover.

On-line Discussion on Back Acne

Join the discussion for this topic on this blog, or on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Back Acne

Are there home treatments for back acne not requiring ointments or chemicals ?

The treatment for back acne depends on how severe your problem is. 

If you get a couple of pimples from time to time then try wearing only cotton clothes. Use a soft brush or Loofah in the shower to exfoliate your back twice a week to remove dead skin. If you sweat after being active, shower as soon as you can. 

For more persistant or painful acne you have to see a dermatologist or your doctor. The skin on the back is thicker so it is hard to treat it with a home remedy.

On-line Discussion on Dry Skin

Join the discussion for this topic on this blog, or on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Dry Skin

Is there a home remedy for dry facial skin ?

Mash an avocado, add 1 tsp on lemon juice, apply this to your face twice a week. Remove the mask with warm water and pat dry.

 Whip some cream and apply to your face twice a week, wash off with warm water and a gentle cream cleanser.

Are there any remedies for dry eyelids ?

Use an eye cream for the dry areas around the eyes.

 For home remedy every evening before bed take few drops of olive oil or coconut oil and apply just under your brow bone and under your eyes.
 Avoid oil products on skin areas with Acne.

How can I make the palms of my hands soft ?

Wash your hands with a mild soap and apply petroleum jelly on your hands before going to bed every evening, this will soften them.

What are good brands of oil free moisturizers ?

Neutrogena, Olay and even Garnier has some good ones.

Any suggestions for curing dry and dull skin ?

Hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer and wear sunscreen SPF 20 every morning before going out. Some of the good brands for the products are Neutrogena, Garnier, Lo'real etc.

Why are there different lotions for body and face ?

The skin on the body is a little thicker than the face, so you need a body lotion e.g Olay body lotion, Vaseline intensive lotion etc. For the face look for moisturizing face cream or lotions e.g. Lo'real, Neutorgena etc are all good brands just make sure it says oil-free.

On-line Discussion on Dark Circles

Join the discussion for this topic on this blog, or on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Dark Circles

What are effective brands of products to remove Dark Circles ?

Unfortunately not an easy answer as all our skin react differently to products so you will have to try different brands for few weeks to see which one works the best for you. Some of the brands you can try are Estee Lauder, Clinic, Neutrogena, Garnier etc. You need to apply very little of the cream so it lasts a long time, so get a good brand.
Use a good concealer to help cover the dark circles in the meantime. Also read these articles on Dark Circles.

I've tried products and remedies and nothing seems to work. Any other options ?

Most of the time dark circles are genetic or due to health issue. Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis. Depending on what is causing the circles under your eyes, your doctor may recommend prescription creams or a combination of treatments to erase or reduce discoloration.

 You can also apply a concealer to help diminish the dark circles, make sure you match the colour to your skin tone.

On-line Discussion on Home Remedies

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Home Remedies

Is there a home remedy for Acne Pimple marks ?

Try one of the face masks in the articles on Home Remedies. If this does not help then try microdermabrasion treatments.

Is there a home remedy for Dandruff ?

Warm some olive oil or coconut oil and massage into your scalp, then wash your hair with warm water and a gentle shampoo. This helps with dandruff.

Is there a home remedy for Dark Underarms and Neck ?

Darkness under the arms is normally caused by shaving or could be hormonal. Darkness on the neck can be caused by friction, e.g. if you wear a necklace all the time or again by hormones. Mix lemon juice and sugar and rub the dark areas, do this daily to notice a difference. If you shave your underarms, try waxing instead or get laser hair removal. If the problem persists use lightening creams with Kojic acid. Your doctor will be able to recommend something.

Is there a home remedy for Hair Loss ?

Hair loss is normally caused by stress and diet. 

Apply warm olive oil on your scalp and massage your scalp for 5 minutes, take a towel and wet it with warm water and wrap it around your head. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.
If the hairloss is significant, go see your doctor. They will run some test to see if you have any hormonal issues.

Is there a home remedy for Dry Hair ?

For dry hair, use Hydrating shampoo and Conditioner, do not use soap. While your hair is damp apply a "Leave in Conditioner". Reduce the use of hot styling implements.
 For home remedy apply mayonaise on the hair and leave it in for 5 min. Wash it off with warm water and shampoo.

Is there a home remedy for Freckles ?

Freckles are normally caused by the sun, so make sure you wear sunscreen SPF15 and above everyday. This will also stop the freckles from darkening.
 Use a moisturizing cream that has AHAs or Kojic acid, these products help lighten pigmentation, they also make your skin sun sensitive so make sure you wear sunscreen if you use it.
 For home remedy, slice a lemon sprinkle sugar on it and rub this on the skin, over time it will lighten the freckles.

Is there a home remedy for White Heads ?

Milia are whiteheads, that appear on the face especially around the eyes, cheeks and nose area. This happens when sebum and dead skin cells become trapped under the skin. 

Exfoliate your face twice a week with a soft brush and your cleanser. Look for cleansers with glycolic acid or salicylic acid and use this twice a day to wash your face. Use a moisturizer that has AHA or Vitamin C and E. Make sure you also wear sunscreen SPF 15 or more as whiteheads get worse with sunlight.

On-line Discussion on Healthy Skin

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Healthy Skin

What is required for a healthy glowing skin ?

Follow a healthful diet and daily skin care using tips outlined in the Healthy Skin article.

On-line Discussion on Hair Removal

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Hair Removal

How can I determine the best hair removal option for me ?

There are multiple options of Hair removal that range from temporary to permanent. These include shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, threading, sugaring, laser hair removal, electrolysis, etc.

 We will cover those that are typically offered in a professional Spa environment in these articles on Hair Removal.

After waxing, I get blackheads, boils and dark spots on my legs. What can I do ?

Exfoliate your legs with a soft dry brush or a dry towel twice a week before you shower. 
You can also rub a slice of lemon on your skin to help lighten the marks, do this every other day, it may take a few weeks before you see any results. 

Apply a sunscreen lotion on your exposed body when you go out in the sun.

How can I get hard wax for personal waxing use ?

Hard wax is not typically meant for home use, it is mostly used in Professional Spas and Salons. There are special techniques on how to use hard wax and for that you have to be trained. 

Something close to it would be sugaring but once again, you need to go to a person who has experience in using this method.

Is Sugaring hair removal effective for facial hair ?

Sugaring if not done properly can burn your skin. The sugaring wax can be tricky to make and the technique of hair removal using this method is an art best learned from an experienced person. No strips are used in this method the wax is molded into a ball and stretched on the skin and quickly pulled to remove the hair. 

Threading is the best way to remove facial hair or you can try Laser Hair Removal which is an expensive treatment but pays for itself in long run.

What method is effective for permanent hair removal ?

The only permanent solution is Electrolysis, Laser Hair removal is a permanent hair reduction treatment. The choice is very personal, Electrolysis can be painful and takes a long time to clear out an area. Laser Hair removal is the faster and less painful treatment plan and it is more popular.

On-line Discussion on Oily Skin

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Oily Skin

Which moisturizer or cream should I use for Oily Skin ?

Look for a moisturizer that says oil-free or non-comedogenic (won't block pores). Every morning after cleansing apply an oil-free sunscreen lotion SPF20 and in the evening use an oil-free moisturizer.

Which Face masks are ideal for Oily Skin ?

A mud mask will help draw out excess oil from your pores. Alternatively you can make a homemade mask with Chickpea flour (Besan) 2 tbs add 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric (optional) mix this with a little water and apply to your face twice a week. Leave it on for 15 mins and then wash it off.
 A mask of Semolina also helps exfoliate dead skin. This will also help to reduce oily skin and pimples. Just make sure not to rub the semolina mask on the skin too aggressively.

Which Sunscreen lotion should I use for Oily Skin ?

Look for sunscreen that has Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide as an active ingredient. These are also known as physical sunblock, they are normally present in sensitive skin sunscreens. You can also check to see that the sunscreen lotion says oil-free. 

Some of the good brands are Neutrogena, Olay, Nivea, etc.

On-line Discussion on Microdermabrasion

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Microdermabrasion

How many sessions and time intervals between Microdermabrasion treatments should I take ?

Microdermabrasion treatment sessions depends on how much sun damage or blemishes you have. A series of 6 sessions 8 days apart would be a good start. To maintain the skin, one treatment every two to three months would be ideal. 

It is very important to apply sunscreen lotion SPF20 and above every day while going through this treatment.

On-line Discussion on Puffy Eyes

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Puffy Eyes or Bags under Eyes

Are there any quick fixes to Puffy Eyes ?

Read the main article on this topic, however you can help reduce the puffiness by applying a cold compress or use a bag of frozen vegetables or chilled used tea bags on your closed eyes, this will reduce the puffiness. Also reduce your intake of salty food as it causes water retention and thus makes the problem worse.

On-line Discussion on Hair Issues

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Hair Issues

What can I do to prevent hair loss ?

Please read the article on Hair Loss for tips. We normally lose more hair at certain time of the year. If it is a significant hair loss then we suggest that you go and see your doctor, sometimes sudden hair loss implies health issues. It is normal to loose 30 - 50 hair a day.

How can I prevent Dandruff ?

Please read the article on Dandruff for tips to cure and prevent its occurrence.

How can I make curly hair straight ?

You can use a flat iron styling tool to make your hair straight. Do not use it everyday as long term use of it damages the hair, once a week is good enough. Apply leave in conditioner to the ends of the hair before using the flat iron to protect it from the direct heat.

I have Oily hair. Should I use a conditioner ?

Stop using conditioner on your hair. Instead use a clarifying shampoo to remove excess oil. Clarifying shampoos are normally clear in colour.

I have a round face with long, thinning hair. What hair cut do you recommend ?

Go for a long layered haircut, make sure the hairdresser also layers the hair around your face. Layers add volume to the hair and frames the face making it look slimmer. Do ask your hairdresser for advice on what style she thinks would suit your face.

After washing my hair looks dry, and then oily the following day. What hair wash should I use ?

Use a shampoo for oily hair. When you shampoo your hair, massage the shampoo into your scalp to remove excess oil. Only use the conditioner on the ends of your hair and not near your scalp.

What can I do for rough hair ?

You may have dry hair, start by using hydrating shampoo and conditioners. Please also read the article on Dry Hair for more info.

I have dry, dull hair despite using several big name brands. Can you suggest some brands of Shampoo and Conditioners as most aren't working for me ?

It takes four to five weeks for the hair to get used to the new products so give it time to work. Loreal, Garnier, Sunsilk, Neurtrogena and the more expensive lines like Paul Mitchell, Biolage and Kerastase are all good brands. Make sure you apply conditioners on the hair and not the scalp. 

For home remedy for dry hair, apply warm olive oil or coconut oil on the hair and wrap a warm damp towel around the head for 10 minutes. Shampoo and Condition the hair.
 You can also apply mayonnaise on the hair once a week for 10 minutes before washing it.

What brands of leave-in conditioners are recommended ?

Most leave in conditioners work really well, look for leave-in conditioners that say for Frizzy Hair or dry hair. Try the professional salon brands, they maybe a little expensive but have more active ingredients e.g. Paul Mitchell, Wella, Keratase etc.

On-line Discussion on Sun Tan

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers on Sun Tan

How can I get rid of Sun Tan on my skin and prevent it ?

It is hard to get rid of a Sun-tan, it will fade naturally after few weeks. Exfoliate your skin with a soft dry brush or a dry towel before you shower, this removes the dead skin on the surface. 

Stay out of the sun between 10:00am to 4:00pm when the sun is stronger, if you have to go out, wear sunscreen on all exposed body parts and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face. Don't forget to apply sunscreen on the back of your hands. 

Make sure the sunscreen you use is oil free and protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.

Are there natural products to help remove a Sun Tan ?

Applying papaya pulp on tanned skin helps exfoliate the skin due to an enzyme in papaya.

How can I remove darkness from my knees ?

You can try rubbing a slice of lemon sprinkled with sugar on your knees. Dark kness can be genetic or caused by friction especially if you kneel a lot. 

Also apply sunscreen lotion on your legs before you go out in the sun.

My feet are very tanned, how can I lighten them ?

Sprinkle sugar on a lemon half and rub this on your feet and leave it on for 10 minutes before you wash it off, do this 3 times a week. Apply a moisturizing lotion every day to keep the skin from drying out.

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