
What is Microdermabrasion ?

It is a non-invasive procedure, where a skincare professional uses a machine to exfoliate or resurface the top layer of your skin. There are many kinds of microdermabrasion treatments, the most common ones are Crystal or Diamond wand. Here at Imperial Skin Care we use the Diamond Wand Microdermabrasion System.

Microdermabrasion Treatments can help to treat aging and sun-damaged skin, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles and some types of acne and acne scarring. Because microdermabrasion removes dead surface skin cells and initiates cellular turnover, results may include improved skin tone, fewer breakouts, diminished appearance of scars, refined skin pores and a healthy glow. The suction stimulation alone boosts blood circulation and revitalizes collagen production, which instigates the regrowth of new younger-looking skin. The oxygen helps to speed up collagen production and sooth the newly exfoliated skin

Microdermabrasion Treatments are suitable for most skin colors and types. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour. There is a little or no discomfort in this treatment, there are no side effects and your skin will look glowing and fresh almost immediately after treatment. Some more aggressive treatments may cause the skin to look slightly pink and tender for few hours afterward. You can resume normal acitivities and apply makeup and moisturizer directly after your session.

Sunscreen is extremely important. Remember to use it daily especially if you have had a Microdermabrasion treatment. Taking good care of your skin at home will help you maintain a healthy skin.

For skin conditions requiring less intensive treatments, there are also a number of products in the market for Home Microdermabrasion.

For more information, visit our ImperialSkin Channel for a number of Videos on Microdermabrasion procedures.

1 comment:

  1. isn't this expensive? i use NeuCell anti-wrinkle cream and my wrinkles are less obvious now. will microdermabrasion eliminate them totally?


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